Saturday, November 15, 2008


For those of you who couldn't make it to the Alternative Press Expo in San Francisco the weekend of November 1 and 2, here is the Xomix Comix FreeBee in it's entirety.

Produced by Ted Seko and Javier Hernandez, the FreeBee included the inaugural Demolition Dove tale by Javier Hernandez. Also included with the FreeBee was a full color Zombieman Zero comic by Ted Seko.

Javier and Ted are working on Xomix Comix #1, which is scheduled for release in early 2009. This will be a 3 issue series, with the two creators splitting the book between them. Each issue will have an installment of ZOMBIEMAN ZERO AND THE DEATH’S HEAD TRANSMISSION and DEMOLITION DOVE. Keep this blog bookmarked and check back for more exciting news from Xomix Comix!"